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Assisted Therapy

"In the tapestry of healing,

each shared thread strengthens the whole,

for in community, the wounds of one,

mend with the collective light of many."

Explore the vast potential of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, but first a few notes:

Psychedelic therapy holds immense potential. At our core, we believe in fostering a safe and equitable space for psychedelic therapy. This includes acknowledging the inherent power dynamics that can exist between therapist and client. This is especially important when an individual is in a non-ordinary state of consciousness and therapist is in an ordinary state. We understand that social identities, backgrounds, and access to resources can influence the therapeutic relationship. By openly discussing these dynamics, we aim to create a space where you feel empowered and heard. This collaborative approach allows us to tailor the experience to your unique needs, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and transformative journey.

"The psychedelic experience is a gift,

and it should be treated with respect."

- Ram Dass

A few words of acknowledgement...

In the realm of psychedelic exploration, honoring those who came before, particularly Indigenous communities, is not only an ethical imperative but also crucial for responsible and effective practice. These communities have stewarded these medicines for millennia, accumulating invaluable knowledge and understanding. By acknowledging their contributions, we ensure their voices are heard and their cultural heritage is respected. Furthermore, integrating Indigenous wisdom into psychedelic work can enrich our understanding of the medicines and their potential for healing, fostering a more holistic and culturally sensitive approach. This creates a foundation for building respectful partnerships and ensuring that the benefits of psychedelics reach those most affected by the historical injustices surrounding their use. I am grateful for this work and dedicated to continued discussions and education to reduce and prevent harm.


* I took a picture of this painting during my weekend in Boulder. This piece was commissioned by IPI's center in CO & created by artist Bryce Widom. Its presence, along with those at my weekend, will always hold a special place in my journey.

Giant Strelitzia Nicolai

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Research on psychedelic-assisted therapy is a rapidly growing field with promising results. Studies suggest these therapies, often incorporating psilocybin, MDMA, or ketamine alongside psychotherapy sessions, can be effective in treating conditions like treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, and PTSD. While more research is needed, the potential for psychedelic-assisted therapy to offer new avenues for mental health treatment is sparking excitement and could lead to a paradigm shift in how we approach certain conditions.

As stated above, healing with these medicines has occurred for centuries. This powerful tool is meant for those who are ready to take that next step. Combining these medicines with integration, truly fosters deep healing as well as self-exploration, openness, shedding old patterns and for some a new found connection to spirituality.


*note: at this time, the only medicine we can legally work with, is Ketamine.

Other medicines continue to be researched. MDMA is currently in review with the FDA

Have you done your own work with these medicines?

I believe, in order to hold space with others in these sacred, non-ordinary states, you must first sit there yourself. This work is truly like any other work I have practiced, and with that, I have shifted so much. The medicines are powerful and should be respected as such. I believe


in a harm reduction model and will support those as needed until more psychedelics are legally approved for therapeutic use. 


Post KAP experience during my in-person

weekend in Boulder, CO


Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy 

let's begin our


This modality is for those seeking a
transformative healing experience that goes beyond simply managing symptoms.

 Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
offers a powerful tool for deep exploration and
lasting shifts in your wellbeing. 

KAP combines Ketamine, a medicine with psychoactive properties, with therapy, allowing
you to fully integrate your experience.

Cultivating Deep Healing:
A Personalized Approach to KAP

My approach prioritizes an intentional practice, personalized, to create a safe space for you to connect with your inner wisdom. This tailored process allows us to address your unique needs. You may have encountered or heard of other approaches to KAP where people go in regularly

for infusions or a clinic style space that does not incorporate integration. 

It is my belief, that in order to get the deeper, long lasting, healing results and utilize all that Ketamine can support, you must incorporate integration.

Ash and Beth Feb 2024--39.jpg

Is this approach right for me?

This may be the right approach for Individuals who are:

seeking a holistic approach to their healing

ready to explore the deeper dimensions of their trauma

open to transformation & making positive life changes

willing to sit with & move emotions that are ready to shift

understand expectations & not always a quick fix

* It's okay if you're not ready for this type of work. Healing is hard & takes time. It is important to recognize what you & your system is ready for.

This may not be the ideal fit if you're:

in crisis or require immediate, intensive support

having or have had a history of psychosis

primarily focused on managing symptoms

not ready to address deeper causes or past trauma

system is unable to sit with challenging experiences

have a contraindicated medical or mental health diagnosis 

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